Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Questions to the experts


I have a one hour appointment on Friday with my .functi.onal medi.cine nutritionist and on Saturday with the acupuncturist that I mentioned in my previous post. I received many questions and interest via email about my last póst and so I thought it would be interesting to ask them your questions if possible.

Both are extremely well versed in thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, spleen chi deficiency (one of the main causes of IF according to TCM ), allergies and all kinds of complementary medicine for IF.

I guess they think I am an interesting patient, because I ask them all the time and read a lot about their work and both have taken a lot of time with me discussing their viewpoints. The acupuncturist even told me nobody asked him these types of questions and that he had a lot of fun with me. I hope he meant it in a nice way!

The nice thing about both it that they are trained in western medicine (the acupuncturist is actually as I mentioned a neurologist), yet have opened their eyes to helping the body heal in another way.

For example the acupuncturist explained to me the reasoning behind not doing a lot of excercise during menses and why for the chinese it was crucial. Its because the energy to really clean the uterus during this time is redirected to the muscles and therefore the uterus cannot be completly emptied if you excercise a lot during this time, the body lacks the force to do it. I found this fascinating.

I also asked him why all the TCM diets for IF emphasized not eating cold foods. He explained that digestion is a main function of the body and by having cold foods your digestive system needs to use energy to warm the food and so redirects once again the energy towards this. Since reproduction is not a vital function the energy that would have been directed there is redirected to the digestive syste,

I also asked him why many people recommend castor oil packs between menses and ovulation. He told me that is a way to detox and lessen inflammation prior to ovulation. they can even heal cysts this way. He told me that it has amazing healing powers and that the original name denotes its importance in the medieval ages. The name is : Palm of Christ for its palm-shaped leaves and incredible healing power, god like.

Regarding the nutritionist functional medicine really belives in adrenal fatigue and the need to cure it via complementary therapies rather than only hydro cort use. For example they use some of the following supplements a lot: Q 10 for fatigue (you need 400 mgs minimum to feel anything and have it with oil), Magnesium citrate (for muscle relaxation and better digestion, it helps with sleep) etc

For thyroid: really focus on eliminating any type of chlorine from your life (drinking water), and many other things.

For older mothers: high doses of folic acid (even up to 4,000 mcgs to prevent birth defects), detox therapies prior to the conception cycles, etc.

I will have enough time to ask many questions and wanted to offer to bring your questions with me and have their viewpoint. They must be related to the issues mentioned above or in my previous post for it to make sense that I ask them =)


  1. Again, every time I read your posts I learn something!

    I'm just wondering how to eliminate chlorine. What other sources of drinking water are there that are chlorine free?

  2. Wow, very interesting! I'm new to your blog. I've heard adrenal fatigue mentioned before... what is it? And how do you check/test for it?

    I'll spend some time this weekend looking at your archives. :)

    Good question JellyBelly! I thought chlorine was only in water.
