Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Days full of miracles

I almost have no words.  

The last 2 days have been one Godincidence after another.

Since the donor told us she would help us with some funding things have started exploding here.

Still we need prayers as we scramble to make it happen in hours! And my office is collapsing from work!!  

Two bishops totally committed to bringing Napro to their countries.  

The lands of Guadalupe and Aparecida.   The 2 largest Catholic countries in the world.

On Sunday we only had 1 doctor from Mexico and one practitioner and that was it.  After  months and months of hard work.  

Yet God had other plans!

  From Mexico we now have for this EPI in PPVI :
 One doctor (gynecologist, laparoscopist and young!), THREE practitioners with amazing amazing profiles  and probably 2 priest attending Love and Life which is the conference to help support this work and it might be even possible that another person joins.

I feel like the parable of the loaves of bread is happening right before my eyes.

 I am receiving calls from our bishop all excited scrambling to send priests now! He is soooo excited!  amazing amazing amazing.  We are beyond blessed with this bishop.

and Brasil....    A miracle right before our eyes.

A doctor will attend very last minute willing to commit to this work, but the bishop of Ri.o de Jan.eiro, who happens to be a doctor and a member of the Latin American commission for life, decided this was not enough and called a couple to ask them to become practitioners and they have accepted.

 Both specialist of theology of the body, Billings instructors and responsible for marriage prep and teachers!!!!!

And  he sent a personal letter to Dr. asking him to accept and Omaha has!   My God!

And now its just a matter of funding.... a minor detail, hahaha.  But I am sure by now God will find a way.

Please continue praying,  you are truly helping a miracle to happen!   From 2 persons now we could have 10!!!! TEN from Latin America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only imagine how many people can be helped with this!   dozens and dozens of women and couples facing IF, with no options, marriage prep, young women remain chaste.

 Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!


  1. The best is that Mass and Confession during EPI could be offered in spanish for first time in history!! :D

  2. This gives me chills as I am reading it - so awesome to see God work in such an amazing way!

    Continued prayers for all involved!!!!!

  3. SO wonderful!! This work will save souls. I will continue to pray!

  4. Amazing doesn't even begin to describe it.

    I have chills.

    But yet I still wonder, if God can do this in a matter of days in Continents... why, oh why does He remain silent and stagnant when it comes to moving my obstacles?? :( Sigh.

  5. Such wonderful news!!! Continued prayers!!!

  6. YAY!! I'm so glad you have seen the fruits of prayer! I will be praying!

  7. You are a mountain mover E! I mean, through God's providence he is definitely using you to bring such amazing news to Mexico and Brazil and who knows where it will spread to next. I am in awe just reading your posts. God Bless!
